My artistic process

Sometimes, paintings have a life by their own. We create them and they seem to take life, and decide themselves how they will turn out.

Funnily, almost all my paintings didn't turn out as I have first imagined them. Everything starts with an impulsion : the urge to create. It is mostly related to my emotions, my situation, my mood in that precise moment, ... So it makes sense that the final result is not the same as my original plan. It takes me at least 2 weeks to finish a painting (for the smallest) to 2 months. During the process, my emotions, mood, situations, ... can evolve. And the original impulse changes too, changing my painting as well.

I don't like to describe my style, I have the feeling it will put me in a box, making it more difficult to step out of it. I first started with figurative, impressionism, and slowly turn out to surrealism or realism for some pieces. I like to discover new techniques, materials, styles! Painting is a journey and I don't want to stop at the first station. That's also why I used a lot of different tools and techniques : start with a pencil sketch, then always put the first layers in acrylic. This medium is perfect to lay the first base, to know where should go lights and shadows. And as it dries very fast, it allows me to change, modify, rework the design without limit.

Once I am satisfied by the first layers results, I start with oil painting.. Oil allows me to work better the shadings between the colours. After those oil layers, I let it dry for a couple of days, before adding the final touch : with a dry brush, I'll add the lightest colours to bring light and create volume, and also retouch the darkest areas to avoid having a "faded" black that would have been mixed with the other colours during the process. By doing that, it exaggerates a bit the depth of the art piece and gives more a 3D aspect to a flat canvas.